Animal Nutrition & Health

Webinar Series: Shaping the Future of Piglet Care

Immune Competency Development - PREPARE

Thursday 31st of March, 15:00 CET

Webinar details:

Join us for our three-part webinar series with Pig Progress on Shaping the Future of Piglet Care. Experts from around the world will discuss research related to our dedicated approaches to preparing, protecting, and supporting resilience of your piglets.

Part 1 - PREPARE: Immune Competency Development 

Part one will help you prepare your piglets for a bright future by optimizing immune competency development. Three leading experts will discuss how to optimize piglet immune competency development via two paths, systemically via sow nutrition and locally via microbiome shaping. 


J. Jacques Matte, PhD

An honorary research scientist at Agriculture and Agri-food, Canada will address the topic of: 

"Vitamins, healthy nutrition and robustness of suckling and weaned piglets"

Megan C. Niederwerder, DVM, PhD

A veterinarian and an assistant professor at Kansas State University will share her thoughts on:

"The role the gut microbiome plays in Immune development beyond the gut"

William Matthys. Dr

A veterinarian and precision diagnostics service manager for dsm-firmenich will share his experience of:

"Practical aspects of early gut microbiome colonization"

Shaping the Future of Piglet Care

Learn about how at dsm-firmenich we can help you overcome the challenges of a Sustainable Pig(let) Farming