Animal Nutrition & Health

There’s only one Hy-D®

Hy-D®, our specific vitamin D3 metabolite called 25-OH D3, provides animals with a fast track to a strong skeleton, immune support and better performance. For our customers, this means a fast track to higher returns. Hy-D® has delivered proven results for years in poultry, swine and cattle production. More than 100 research trials have demonstrated the safety and benefits of Hy-D® with more than 3 billion** animals fed Hy-D® annually.

*Trials conducted in poultry, swine and ruminants globally. **2022 number of pigs and birds (broilers, layers and turkeys) fed in North America, based on dsm-firmenich sales and industry sourced data.


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Why animals need vitamin D

All animals need a strong skeleton, which is important for longevity, production, welfare and product quality. Hy-D® delivers stronger skeletons effectively.

Vitamin D3 is essential for developing robust bones. It regulates the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, which both play a critical role in bone calcification.

The difference between vitamin D3 and Hy-D®

When vitamin D3 is fed in the diet, it has to go through two changes before it reaches the form that can be utilized by the animal. This process reduces the effective amount of vitamin D3 available to the animal and is time-consuming.

Feeding Hy-D® allows the first of these stages to be bypassed. The result is more efficient and faster uptake of the required metabolite 25-OH D3, meaning stronger skeletons and healthier, more productive animals.

Hy-D® delivers significant benefits in poultry, swine and cattle production, which cannot be achieved by feeding D3 alone.

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Selected species

There’s only one Hy-D®

What is one of the most common and costly misperceptions in the poultry industry? That other 25-OH D3 products are equivalent to Hy-D®.

Hy-D® continues to set the standard for purity, bioavailability and performance. Hy-D® was the first 25-OH D3 on the market and is used as the basis for all other 25-OH D3 products.

Hy-D® is approved for broilers, turkeys, layers, pullets and broiler breeders.


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As the original pure source of 25-OH D3, Hy-D® is a proven, safe and effective metabolite for improving vitamin D status in poultry.

3 Billion

Hy-D® is fed to approximately three billion birds1 per year in North America. In 2022 Hy-D® was fed to 3 million layers, 23 million turkeys and 2.7 billion broilers.


Years on the market with demonstrated safety and research proven to increase vitamin D status. 


Research trials demonstrating the safety and benefits of Hy-D® in diets for poultry, swine and ruminants globally.

Hy-D® improves lifetime productivity


Hy-D® has been helping poultry producers and their birds stand strong for decades.

Not only is Hy-D® a highly pure source of 25-OH D3, feeding Hy-D® supports optimal immune health and contributes to strong bones and muscle growth, leading to higher meat yields.

Birds fed Hy-D® outperform the others

The numbers don't lie. Hy-D® birds outperformed the “Other 25-OH D3” in feed conversion ratio (FCR) in every customer scenario, and showed consistent improvement in yield compared to the birds with no 25-OH D3. 

See for yourself in this analysis of a year's worth of data from Agri Stats comparing Hy-D® and the “Other 25-OH D3.”


Stay on top of your birds' nutrition.

Download the latest supplement recommendations for balanced nutrition.

There’s only one Hy•D®


What is one of the most common and costly misperceptions in the poultry industry? That other 25-OH D3 products are equivalent to Hy•D.

Hy•D continues to set the standard for purity, bioavailability and performance. Hy•D was the first 25-OH D3 on the market and is used as the basis for all other 25-OH D3 products. 


As the original pure source of 25-OH D3, Hy•D is a proven, safe and effective metabolite for improving vitamin D status in pigs.

2.6 Million

Pigs fed Hy•D per year in North America, based on dsm-firmenich actual sales, recommended feeding rates and survey data.


Years on the market for swine in North America, with demonstrated safety and research for increasing vitamin D status.


Research trials demonstrating the safety and benefits of Hy•D in diets for poultry, swine and ruminants globally.

Get greater sow longevity and productivity.

Lifetime productivity is a function of the sow’s genetic potential as well as her duration in the reproductive herd. Maintaining productive capacity over successive parities is fundamental to sow-herd profitability. The cost of gilt and sow development isn’t covered until their 3rd or 4th parity, and those that aren’t “paying for themselves” add costs to weaned pigs.

Industry experts encourage producers to measure sow productivity based on the number of pigs born alive or weaned throughout a sow’s lifetime. Fundamental to impacting these metrics is a producer’s ability to maintain optimum vitamin D levels in the breeding herd, which is essential for better bone health and ultimately reduced culling rates among first litter gilts and parity 1 sows. Hy•D can help animals maintain their structural soundness, resulting in greater longevity and lifetime productivity.

Produce more viable, higher performing pigs over a sow’s lifetime.

Longevity in the sow herd leads to increased productivity and profitability, and this starts with gilt development. Feeding Hy•D during gestation and lactation reduces the need for farrowing interventions and the frequency of post-farrowing complications. In addition, feeding Hy•D over two reproductive cycles results in heavier pig weights at birth and weaning.

When added to the normal levels of vitamin D, Hy•D reduced the incidence and severity of osteochrondrosis (bone) lesions and improved gilt selection rates, based on mobility and structural soundness scores compared to vitamin D alone.

Hy-D® for Beef


Is your operation vitamin “d-ficient?”

Our understanding of the role that vitamin D plays in the health and performance of cows and calves has grown in recent years. There is now wide recognition of its critical contribution to immune function and growth as well as bone formation. While current guidelines may meet basic needs for skeletal health, they may fall short of what is required for optimal health and performance. Research conducted in the central U.S. reported beef cattle having deficient levels of vitamin D in winter months.1 In addition, beef calves have shown a prevalence of vitamin D deficiency at birth.


What is the right vitamin D level?

  • <5-7 ng/mL serum 25-OH D3 will result in rickets
  • 10-20 ng/mL serum 25-OH D3 is insufficient for Ca and P homeostasis, bone health
  • >30 ng/mL serum 25-OH D3 is adequate supply for immunity (theoretically)
  • >100 ng/mL is associated with increased performance (but does not occur naturally)

Vitamin D toxity

    • Toxicity ocures with massive (>10eIU) vitamin D3 doses 
    • Supllemental 25-OH D3 is safer that D3 alone from a toxicity perspective 

    Supplementation levels established for Ca homeostasis are considered inadequate for optimal immune function and performance.

    Cows don't even get enough vitamin D... 
    Even in the summer2

    Serum sampled from beef cows on pasture in nothern and southern regions of the U.S.,showed that most cows had sub-optimal levels of vitamin D in their blood. Serum 25-OH D3 >100 ng/mL is associated with increased performance. 

    Hy•D: Optimize health and growth with a more bioavailable form of vitamin D

    Optimal vitamin D supports: 

    • Absorption of calcium (Ca) and phosphorus (P) (homeostasis)
    • Bone formation
    • Nerve and muscle function
    • Immune function
    • Reproduction
    • Colostrum quantity and quality
    • Calf health and imminuty 
    • Growth response 


    1 Casas et al, 2015. Seasonal variation in vitamin D status of beef cattle reared in the central US. Domest. Anim. Endocrinol., 52:71-74. 
    2 Nelson et al, 2016. Assessment of serum 25OHD concentrations of beef cows and calves across seasons and geographical locations. J. Anim. Sci., 94:3958–3965. 
    3 Carvalho et al, 2019. Supplementation of 25-hydroxy-vitamin-D3 and increased vitamin E as a strategy to increase carcass weight of feedlot beef cattle. J. Anim. Sci., volume 97, supplement S3. 


    Over 100 Research Trials

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    Hy-D® for Dairy


    Optimize Vitamin D Levels to Improve Health and Performance

    Our understanding of the role that vitamin D plays in the health and performance of cattle has grown in recent years. There is now wide recognition of its critical contribution to immune function and growth as well as bone formation. While current guidelines may meet basic needs for skeletal health, they may fall short of what is required for optimal health, performance and milk yield.

    Say Y-E-S to More

    Hy-D optimizes Vitamin D levels to provide an Increase in Milk Yield, Enhance Calcium and Phosphorus Metabolism and Strengthen Immunity.

    Y – Yield Increase of Milk and Carcass

    Hy-D’s impact on milk yield of dairy cows: The table below summarizes various trials that compared conventional vitamin D3 supplementation with the use of the more available 25-OH D3. Hy-D has been tested in different forms of application during dry period (top two rows), during milking period (third row) and trials covering both stages (bottom four rows).

    E– Enhance Calcium/Phosphorus Metabolism

    Hy-D enhances CA/P metabolism and homeostasis increasing levels in plasma and doubles retention in the body. Hy-D doubles Ca and P within the body.

    • Hy-D reduced fecal Ca and P excretion
    • Hy-D improved Ca and P balance: retaining more Ca and P into the body, eventually leading to bone mineralization

    S– Strengthen Immunity

    Hy-D Strengthens and boosts immune defense and reduces incidence of disease. Outcomes of improved immunity after Hy-D supplementation (even when compared to vitamin D3).

    During lactation

    • Reduced somatic cell count (~20% SCC, Ribiero aet al, 2019)
    • Lower incidence of clinical disease like retained placenta and metritis (Martinez et al., 2018)

    During transition period

    • Increased colostrum quantity and quality (+20% Immunoglobulin G concentration, Martinez et al., 2018)
    • Improved immune response after mastitis challenge (lower mastitis infection, lower severity of infection lower requirement of antibiotics, Poindexter et al., 2019)

    Breakeven Calculation

    Over 100 Research Trials

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