Animal Nutrition & Health

RONOZYME® RumiStar™ boosts the digestive efficiency of your dairy cows

Improve digestion for optimal milk production while reducing feed costs.

Starch is the No. 1 energy source in your cows’ diets. And, unlike other species, starch digestion in dairy cows is complicated. RONOZYME® RumiStarTM — the only in-feed Alpha-amylase enzyme — helps cows break down starch for improved feeding efficiency, leading to better milk production.

Know the sure signs of starch digestibility issues.

You can identify potential problems with starch digestibility in the manure. Starch only appears in the manure when it has passed through the rumen and the small and large intestine.

The presence of corn kernels or chips in the manure is a sure sign that starch efficiency is below optimum. Where manure is washed down on concrete, visible corn particles on the ground may indicate a lower than-optimum rumen degradability score.

RONOZYME® RumiStar™ releases the full value of starch rations.

Decreased corn starch degradability in the rumen shifts starch digestion more towards the intestines. Going beyond the first part of the small intestine leads to starch losses and loose feces. RONOZYME® RumiStarTM shifts starch digestion more towards the rumen, increasing microbial activity and resulting in more effective energy use. This provides three key benefits:

  1. More starch energy available to the animal
  2. Increased forage digestion
  3. Better use of cow’s total diet, which reduces feed costs

RONOZYME® RumiStarTM can be used as a new approach to maximize corn starch utilization in early lactation to increase starch efficiency and optimize milk production.

Discover the benefits of adding RONOZYME® RumiStarTM to your rations.

Find out how feed enzymes can increase energy availability to match the daily requirement of high-yielding dairy cows.
