Animal Nutrition & Health

Vitamin Management

Selected Species

Ensure birds are receiving optimum vitamin nutrition appropriate to their life stage and growing conditions to meet performance and sustainability goals.

Why is it important?

  • Vitamins are essential micronutrients which control nutrient metabolism by facilitating both the synthesis and degradation of nutrients for normal physiological functions such as growth, development, maintenance and reproduction.
  • As the interactions between vitamins for metabolism are interlinked, estimating requirements for each vitamin separately is challenging.
  • During feed processing, vitamin stability directly impacts vitamin bioavailability, efficacy and feed costs.
  • Vitamin bioavailability influences how much of the vitamins fed are being used by the birds and how much is going to waste.

How to maximize the potential?

  • Accurately predict vitamin requirements for poultry life stage by sub-species.
  • Provide high quality, bioavailable vitamins for optimal production and reproduction.

dsm-firmenich solutions

The optimum vitamin nutrition to birds ensures good health, productivity, food quality and nutritional value and can further improve attributes such as immunity, meat quality, bone health, and enrich poultry products.

We recommend ensuring a comprehensive mycotoxin risk management program as baseline in all poultry diets. Precise sustainability measures can help reduce the environmental footprint while ensuring lifetime production. A precision monitoring system using blood biomarkers can help predict the challenges to flock performance.

  • OVN Optimum Vitamin Nutrition®

    OVN Optimum Vitamin Nutrition® is about feeding animals high quality vitamins, produced with the lowest environmental footprint, in the right amounts, appropriate to their life stage and growing conditions, to optimize: • Animal Health and Welfare ▶ good for animals • Animal Performance ▶ good for farmers • Food Quality & Food Waste ▶ good for consumers and the planet

  • Mycofix®

    The Mycofix® portfolio of feed additives represents the most state-of-the-art solution for protecting animal health by deactivating mycotoxins that contaminate farm animal feed. Its safety and efficacy are proven by 7 EU authorizations for substances that deactivate mycotoxins.

  • Sustell™

    Sustell™ is an intelligent sustainability service that combines the most advanced environmental foot printing calculation tool with expert sustainability, animal production and nutritional knowledge to create tailor-made, practical solutions and business development projects that enhance the environmental sustainability and profitability of animal farming. Sustell™ unlocks the value of animal production sustainability.

  • Verax™

    Harness the power of data to get a deeper understanding of the overall health, productivity and welfare of your animals.

Efficient and sustainable poultry solutions

Ensuring efficient nutrient utilization in your flock ensures healthy development, boosts productivity, and improves performance. By improving efficiency and sustainability, we at dsm-firmenich help you to drive your flock's performance and your profitability with confidence.

Ensure fish and shrimp receive optimal vitamin nutrition appropriate to their life stage and growing conditions, to meet performance and sustainability goals.

The Importance of vitamin management in aquaculture

Vitamins are essential micronutrients crucial for all living animals, playing a vital role in numerous biological processes. They facilitate nutrient metabolism by aiding in both the synthesis and degradation of nutrients, supporting normal physiological functions such as growth, development, maintenance, and reproduction. Additionally, vitamins are critical for bolstering the immune system and influencing health and welfare outcomes.

Key functions of vitamins

  • Growth and Development: Essential for proper growth and development of aquatic animals.
  • Immune Support: Vital for maintaining a strong immune system.
  • Metabolic Regulation: Control nutrient metabolism for optimal physiological functions.
Figure 1: Vitamins and their primary functions. SOURCE: dsm-firmenich

Considerations for successful vitamin management

  • Species-Specific Requirements: Vitamin needs vary between species and developmental stages.
  • Stress and Vitamin Demand: Stress increases vitamin requirements, meaning growth performance needs might not suffice for optimal health.
  • Interlinked Vitamin Metabolism: Estimating the needs for each vitamin separately can be challenging due to their interlinked metabolic functions.
  • Vitamin Stability in Feed Processing: Stability impacts bioavailability, efficacy, and feed costs.
  • Bioavailability: Determines the efficiency of vitamin utilization by the animals, reducing waste.
  • Consequences of Deficiency: Deficiencies can lead to poor growth, compromised health, and reduced welfare.

From strain to gain with dsm-firmenich

At dsm-firmenich, we offer a range of nutritional solutions designed to manage the vitamin requirements of aquatic animals from hatchery to harvest. Our products are formulated to improve performance, productivity, and profitability in aquaculture.

Enhance aquatic animal health and performance

Partner with dsm-firmenich to ensure your aquatic animals thrive with optimal vitamin nutrition. Explore our range of innovative products designed to support the health, growth, and productivity of your aquaculture operations.

  • OVN Optimum Vitamin Nutrition®

    OVN Optimum Vitamin Nutrition® is about feeding animals high quality vitamins, produced with the lowest environmental footprint, in the right amounts, appropriate to their life stage and growing conditions, to optimize: • Animal Health and Welfare ▶ good for animals • Animal Performance ▶ good for farmers • Food Quality & Food Waste ▶ good for consumers and the planet

  • Hy-D®

    Hy-D® is the fast track vitamin D3 source, for a strong skeleton and better performance.
