Genetic selection has led to remarkable improvements in poultry performance. However, along with these improvements, certain undesirable traits have emerged in both breeders and commercial birds (broilers, layers, and turkeys). As a result of this, poultry breeders see these issues as their primary concerns:
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Fertility issues have led to a noticeable decline in the availability of day-old chicks in the global poultry market in recent years. With the demand for day-old chicks increasing annually, the placement of poor-quality chicks on farms has become increasingly common resulting in early chick mortality, reduced overall performance and lower carcass yield at slaughtering.
Hence, poultry breeders are actively seeking solutions and strategies to increase breeder productivity (more chicks) and enhance chick quality (better chicks). This is where MaxiRepro™ Poultry steps in, offering an effective solution to address these challenges on the breeder performance.