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Refreshing and Juicy Beverages with FreshSlice

Formulating true-to-fruit, fresh tasting beverages is now easier than ever. Introducing, FreshSlice® , a new collection of highly concentrated lemon, lime and orange oils with a clean, fresh profile, excellent water solubility and amazing clarity in beverages. In traditional beverages, where clarity is not a requirement, FreshSlice® citrus flavors still offers superior freshness and juiciness versus traditional citrus oils. So, give your next sparkling beverage superior clarity and fresh taste with FreshSlice®.



Flavor of the Year 2021
For the love of Citrus

Consumers worldwide love citrus flavors because they are refreshing, energizing and often associate citrus with health boosting benefits. In fine fragrance and home care, consumers relate citrus products with happiness, freshness and cleanliness.

According to Mintel GNPD, in 2020 when it comes to food and beverages, lemon and orange are still in the top five fruit flavor choices in current and new product introductions, followed by lime and grapefruit. Other exotic varieties like mandarin, clementine, yuzu and tangerine are also rising in popularity as consumers seek novel sensory experiences.

The Challenge of TraditionalCitrus Oils

The desire for concentrated citrus oils that exhibit the same freshness and authenticity of the real fruit is in high demand by flavorists seeking to create flavors that delight consumers.

Most essential oils consist of mixtures of hydrocarbons such as terpenes and a small percentage of viscid or solid nonvolatile residues. Oxygenated compounds are mostly responsible for the odor characteristics of the oil, however, in citrus they typically represent less than 2% of the total oil. Terpenes make up the majority of the oil but are less desirable in a flavor due to insolubility in water and being prone to oxidation.

Addressing solubility and oxidation issues of terpenes is challenging in the flavor industry as traditional methods for obtaining a terpeneless citrus oil typically result in a lower quality oil due to the harsh processing effects of vacuum distillation. FreshSlice® citrus oils have lower terpene content and improved water solubility for superior clarity in flavored waters, sparkling beverages and seltzers. 

Lime Beverage



As leaders in creating concentrated citrus products and flavor systems of unmatched taste performance we created FreshSlice®. FreshSlice® is a proprietary collection of citrus oils for flavors that delivers unique freshness, juiciness and true-to-fruit taste at a competitive cost in use.

FreshSlice® citrus oils are created using a delicate extraction process that results in fresher, true-to-fruit flavor profile. This gentle processing technique, preserves precious characteristics of the oil, reducing off notes and increasing freshness and juiciness. FreshSlice® Lime, Lemon, Orange and Grapefruit contain less terpenes than traditional cold pressed oils achieving superior clarity in beverages with great taste. And unlike ethanol washes, typically used in clear beverages, FreshSlice® has higher flashpoint minimizing handling concerns.

Our collection has expanded!

As innovators in citrus products of unmatched taste and performance, we are excited to introduce the latest addition to the FreshSlice® collection: Grapefruit. FreshSlice® Grapefruit is a natural proprietary ingredient that delivers freshness, juiciness and authentic Grapefruit taste at competitive cost in use.

Flavors created with FreshSlice® taste juicier and fresher with brighter aromatics and true-to-fruit nuances of peel and fruit flesh notes; all of which are pleasing to the taste palette. Make market winning flavors by starting with FreshSlice®.


  • True-to-Fruit Taste
  • Fresh, Juicy Flavor
  • Superior Clarity
  • High Solubility
  • Clean Label
  • Favorable Extract Labeling
  • Improved Flashpoint
  • Kosher, Halal, Non-GMO

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