Vertis™ CanolaPRO®

Plant-based protein isolate

Small and mighty!

The next big thing in plant protein is very small… less than 1mm in diameter, to be precise. But don’t be fooled by its size. The mighty canola seed packs a serious protein punch. In fact, it’s the driving force behind Vertis™ CanolaPRO® - our new plant-based protein isolate, ideal for use in everything from dairy-and-meat alternatives, to RTD/RTM protein powders.

Vertis™ CanolaPRO® is a high-quality protein unlike anything out there. It’s a complete protein, containing all the amino acids needed for muscle growth. It’s also soluble, blending beautifully into a wide range of foods and beverages. And, it’s sustainable. This is a plant-based protein that requires no additional arable land to meet the protein needs of millions of people.

For the first time, dsm-firmenich’s patented process and technology is making high-quality canola protein available at-scale. So, no matter what your application…all you need is a little Vertis™ CanolaPRO®.

Vertis™CanolaPRO® is now officially Upcycled Certified
Vertis™CanolaPRO® is now the only commercially available certified upcycled protein with a PDCAAS of 1. This certification is awarded to companies that use ingredients that would otherwise have not gone to human consumption; and it’s defined by experts from the Harvard Law School and World Wildlife Fund, to name just two.

Why was Vertis™ CanolaPRO® given this accolade? Traditionally, when a canola crop was processed into oil the side stream that remained was used as animal feed. Now, thanks to our patented extraction technique, this high-value protein is being used to create a new generation of nutritious, delicious and sustainable products. Read more about this certification.

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